8:30 – 8:55 a.m.
New HDD Back Reamer Technology for Soft Soil
Speaker: Ted Dimitroff and Mark Mayhook, Trenchless Consulting LLC
Learn about a new back reamer design for soft soils, sand soils, and water-table sand soils that can reduce drilling fluid cost while reducing pullback pressures.
9:00 – 9:25 a.m.
Novel Inhibition Agent for Horizontal Directional Drilling
Speakers: Alicia Richards and Timothy Sorensen, AquaSol Corporation
Learn about a new product that will allow drilling in clays to be more effective, easier and without the negatives associated with amine compounds, as well as NSF certification.
9:30 – 9:55 a.m.
How to Be a Drill Master
Speakers: Jonathan Faughtenberry. P.E., and Brogan Tyler, Freese and Nichols Inc.
Gain understanding of how construction constraints and techniques can be used, in tandem with computer software and design calculations, to ensure an HDD design will work. Real-world examples and applications will be provided and discussed to further confirm an innovative, confident, and proven process that will make you a ”Drill Master.”