Do you work for a municipality or public works?  Register through the Municipal Partnership Program and save!

Department of Public Works crew

To maximize municipal public works attendance at this critical education event, we created a Municipal Partnership Program. The cost for municipal public works attendees will be complimentary for the Primary Program (specialty training programs – CUIRE, NASSCO, etc., are fee-based, and are not included in the Program).

To qualify, email your request to 


now. To be considered, you MUST include the name of the organization, your business title and the web address. The email must be sent from a work address (sorry, no gmail, yahoo mail, etc.).  Your registration includes access to the educational program, PDHs/CEUs, exhibits and the exhibit hall networking reception. After your qualifications have been confirmed, you will receive a registration code which is to be entered on the payment page. 

We recognize the importance of municipal and public works participation and want to ensure that you’ll be able to attend!