Tuesday, Feb. 7


Structural Spray Rehabilitation of Pressure Pipes
Speaker: Lance Secrest, Spray in Place Solutions

Understand the different types of lining solutions and the benefits of spray-in-place lining specific to rehabilitation of pressure piping infrastructure, through case studies and videos.


Caverns of Calloway: Dirt Pipes are Expensive
Speakers: Gary Oradat & Tom Davies, Trinity River Authority of Texas; Nicole Conner, Kennedy Jenks

See and hear about the SSO, emergency mobilization, and replacement of a 27” unlined RCP sewer line and learn about the importance of balancing priories to determine when failure is more expensive than expedited rehabilitation/replacement, being flexible, utilizing trusted team members, and outside-the-box thinking to support/solve a time-sensitive situation.


Seabrook’s Strategy for Increased Resiliency
Speakers: Craig Fisher, Sam Free & Kerry Lackey, Westlake Pipe & Fittings

Case study about replacing a hurricane-damaged wastewater treatment plant with a new one, further inland and at higher elevation. Details include trenchless rerouting of 21,500 feet of force main and proper planning to overcome multiple challenges: concern about possible frac-outs, shallower depth than typical HDD projects, and maintaining grade control.


CIPP as the Chosen Solution for Emergency Repair of 42″ Force Main
Speaker: Steve Soldati, P.E., Aegion

Pipeline rehabilitation is common for transmission pipelines along roadways, bridges, and other locations outside treatment facilities, where longer installation lengths can be achieved. However, what happens when rehab is needed inside a facility? This presentation will showcase how all the great benefits of CIPP can be realized inside the fence.


Thinking Outside the Box Eliminates Junction Structures on Large Gravity Pipelines
Speakers: Greg Vaughn, P.E., Lockwood Andrews & Newnam; Kelly Davis, P.E., Trinity River Authority of Texas

Learn about the process and advantages of using fabricated FRP fittings for merging large pipelines, siphons, etc., in place of traditional concrete junction boxes, to repair, replace aging infrastructure, correct hydraulic inefficiencies, and realize construction cost savings.


Open-Cut Sewer/Water/Stormwater Inspector Online Training
Amster Howard, Pipeline Installation Expert

Learn about the new online training course now available for new and experienced inspectors working on water, sewer, culvert and storm drain projects. The 14-hour course concentrates on cut-and-cover construction, emphasizing the geotechnical aspect (soil density and soil compaction, and test procedures).