
Advancing Water Pipeline Maintenance: Spray-In-Place Pipe Rehab Using 100% Solids Epoxy

Speakers: JB Conant, Warren Environmental; Lance Secrest, Spray in Place Solutions

Discuss potable water industry standards (NSF) and explore the latest application technology, focusing on SIPP with 100% solids epoxy. Case studies and project examples will educate and raise awareness about the effectiveness of SIPP in rehabilitating potable water pipelines.


Investigate-Design-Build Solves Mysterious Leak in 72-inch Main Under Trinity River

Speaker: Mike Larsen, Structural Technologies

Learn about the Investigate-Design-Build (IDB) process and how it can streamline multiple organizations involved in complex projects, and unforeseen conditions and challenges, to solve uncertainties – from pipeline condition assessment to implementing pipe upgrades – within a short schedule, without effecting water demands to the public.


Hitting the Mark: Vertical-Curved Microtunnel to Install 30-Inch Pipeline Beneath Guadalupe River

Speakers: Jesse Guerra and Robert Weinert, Plummer Associates Inc.; Michael Perry, New Braunfels Utilities

Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of various trenchless technologies and selection of vertical-curved microtunneling for a 400-LF trenchless installation beneath a river with steep side slopes; 20-foot elevation difference between bore pit locations; challenging topography, inconsistent subsurface ground conditions and tight alignment tolerances; and next to an active pump station.


Paint or Get off the Ladder: Staying Flexible in Tight Timelines

Speakers: David Trejo, Garver USA; Elijah Dorminy, City of Bedford

The presentation will share experiences and lessons learned, while rehabbing an elevated storage tank, with a short turnaround and critical funding timeline. Specific as to be covered are project scheduling, construction management through contract documents, logistical lead times and preparing for unknown conditions.


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Day 01