8:00 – 8:25 a.m.
City of Lubbock Sliplining to Rehab 24″ Supply Line under Major Thoroughfare
Speakers: Kenny Friar, P.E., and Chandler Shields, P.E., Underground Solutions
Gain insights into the evaluation process for rehabilitation methods, as well as a discussion of trenchless technology options available for waterlines. Learn about the complex challenges faced in an urban environment, construction and engineering design considerations, and knowledge about rehabilitation methods.

8:30 – 8:55 a.m. 
Design-Build Approach Delivers Cost Savings, Simplified Construction for Dallas Water Utilities
Speakers: Tracey Long, P.E., and Rishi Bhattarai, P.E., Dallas Water Utilities; Neepa Shah, P.E., Hazen and Sawyer
Learn how design-build provided a single point of responsibility for the 96” interceptor tunneling project; time savings, as construction could begin before the design was complete; and determination of costs early in the process, giving DWU the opportunity to maximize the length of interceptor constructed.

9:00 – 9:25 a.m.
The Flow Must Go On: Mansfield’s Proactive Approach to I&I Reduction
Speakers: Mazen Kawasmi, P.E., Nicholas McCormick, P.E., and Alec Propst, Freese and Nichols Inc.; Alex Whiteway, City of Mansfield
Witness firsthand testimony of the success of taking a proactive approach to asset management for long-term system resilience. Also, learn from demonstrations of the effective collaboration between municipality and engineering firm that will hopefully promote the importance of working relationships as they relate to project success.

9:30 – 9:55 a.m.
North Interceptor East Arm Rehab: Initial Phase of Large-Diameter Interceptor Sliplining
Speakers: Joel Brown, P.E., Oakland County Water Resources Commission; Nick Marra, Mara Services Inc.; Joel Schanne,P.E., NTH Consultants Ltd.
Gain valuable data about the challenges of installing lining products within the unique conditions of the NI-EA system that will help guide attendees’ decision making on similar projects. Use knowledge from this project to more cost effectively rehabilitate large-diameter sewers.

10:00 – 10:25 a.m.
Creation of the Pipeline Assessment & Certification Program (PACP)
Speaker: Rod Thornhill, P.E., White Rock Consultants
Learn about other technical advancements that set the stage for PACP and gain new ideas for collaboration by utilities nationwide for the common benefit of the wastewater collection system industry.

2:00 – 2:25 p.m.
Southeast Basin West Leg Interceptor: Large-Diameter Gravity Sanitary Sewer Sliplining
Speaker: Randy Brodner, P.E., and Adam Burk, P.E., RJN Group
Learn about the entire process for large-diameter sanitary sewer sliplining – from MSI analysis all the way through construction – that delivered a cost-effective, less-intrusive rehabilitation, while navigating around neighborhoods, a pond and quicksand-type soil.

2:30 – 2:55 p.m.
Four Faces of I&I in Public Sewer Systems
Speaker: George Kurz, P.E., Sewer Capacity Management
Learn how to recognize and diagnose the general “health” of a sewage collection system, in terms of annual I/I and Rainfall-Dependent I/I (RDI/I).