8:00 – 8:25 a.m.
Innovative Methods Sustain High Dissolved Oxygen Levels in Long Effluent Pipelines
Speakers: Joy Kotey, P.E., Oklahoma City; Michael Graves, P.E., STV Inc.
Gain comprehensive insights into the innovative design strategies applied to preserve high dissolved-oxygen concentrations in the 54” effluent pipeline at an Oklahoma City wastewater treatment plant. Topics include the project’s genesis, critical factors guiding the selection of an oxygenation system, and detailed specifications on how the system was designed and bid.
8:30 – 8:55 a.m.
Large-Diameter Culvert Spray-Applied Geopolymer Linings for San Antonio & Bexar County, TX
Speakers: Joe Royer, Ph.D., and Ted Jones, P.E., GeoTree Solutions; Collis Parrish, Lewis Concrete Restoration
This presentation will highlight the cost benefit of spray applied culvert liners in a variety of sizes with short runs and mobilizations
9:00 – 9:25 a.m.
Targeted Asset Repair Extends CIP Budget for Glass-Lined Ductile Iron Force Main
Speaker: Kris Embry, PICA Corp.
Learn how an internal electromagnetic inspection tool allowed the utility owner to perform targeted asset repair, versus full replacement, of glass-lined ductile iron force main, thereby extending the CIPP budget.
2:00 – 2:25 p.m.
Microtunneling to the Rescue: Increasing Capacity of Aging Interceptor Sewers in Irving, TX
Speaker: Bryan Glynn, P.E., and Amanda Powers, P.E., Freese and Nichols Inc.; Robert Sauceda, P.E., and Todd Reck, P.E., City of Irving
Learn from a case study of how microtunneling was used to construct a new large-diameter (60”) sewer, below the groundwater table, in an urban area, adjacent to an environmentally sensitive riverine area, while minimizing impacts to residents, vehicular traffic and restoration requirements.
2:30 – 2:55 p.m.
Collaborative Delivery Keeps $580-Million Wastewater Rehab on Schedule
Speaker: Mark Minkowski, P.E., Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Gain insights from lessons learned on how collaborative delivery can be used to keep projects on schedule through multiple challenges.
3:00 – 3:25 p.m.
What do I do with this Geotech Report, Anyway?
Speaker: Clete Martin, P.E., Plummer Associates Inc.
Young professionals will understand the value of geotechnical investigation reports, through lessons learned and examples from pipeline construction projects.